The solar cell system connects to the grid at a junction point, T-point, where it connects a differential contactor controlled by a STOP&GO, a device that manages the connection to the home. The power to the home is interrupted when there is a 30 mA difference between the main and return lines. See figure below describing the components.
The actuator F411/2 can enable and disable the STOP&GO, and it can also open the differential, or GFI. The actuator has two relays interlocked, In the UP position the STOP&GO works normally, in the STOP position the STOP&GO is disabled, and in the DOWN position the differential is triggered and it stays OPEN. The differential is the main switch for the electric home power.
The power distribution of the house is divided into 6 areas each with its own breaker box: Energy, Laundry, Atrio, Flatwall, Gym, and Night.
Some breaker boxes have brekers and contractors to deactivate a section of the breaker box with one switch. For example the laundry, kitchen, gym, night areas, and theater areas have contractors to disable a zone with several lines with a sigle switch. Some lines are always kept ON when living the home this are lines like alarm systems, telephone service, controllers, refrigerator, dishwasher, network, computer, routers, and entrance lights.
The preferential line has additional protection, STOP&GO, that tries to reset twice the GFI (Ground Fault Interruptor) automatically. The STOP&GO can be operated remotely using the home automation system that is alway ON because is fed y backup batteries charged by either a 100 Wp solar panel or the electrical energy as backup. The preferential line can be reset (turned ON and OFF) by the alarm system, and the home automation.
The air conditioners can consume up to 4 kWh when they are ON. We have a load control device to avoid exceeding the electrical energy peak contract with the provider. There are 5 controllable switches with different priorities that switch the loads automatically OFF group of equipment according to priorities to avoid black out. There are two sockets that usually provide the power to irons that are among the highest priority to be turned OFF to avoid a black out condition.
The house powering distribution has several sections controlled by step by step relays. There are Laundry, Kitchen, Day, Night, Water, Irrigation, Daikin splitters, and Home Theater lines controlled by switches configured like shutters that show the status of the sections. Individual sections are controlled with commands of the shutter type (Up or Down).